Dear Emoji, what did you do to my contacts? You nuked the, then took it over with a bunch of emoticon contacts.
Dear Emoji, what did you do to my contacts? You nuked the, then took it over with a bunch of emoticon contacts.
I think itd be cool to be able to submit your own emotes but other than that, Ive never had a problem with it. I dont know what
Why did a 3rd party developer, & not Apple create this??
I would love to see Canadian Flag in where the flags from different Countries are. Thats one thing, I realize I would use if it was present.
Love the app! Always using my Emoji keyboard. But I cant believe they STILL havent added the Canadian flag!
Great app I use it all the time!!.
Pretty good app, should include more flags... Especially with the Womens World Cup coming up. No Canada, Sweden or Brazil? Come on.
Its simple and nice but I still believe that there should be even more smileys since weve paid $1. I am looking forward for the updates, thank you!
Wheres the love!? Gingers need representation too.
The emojis are getting a little tired. We need some new ones!
Dont bother.
A lot of things to choose from
I need better instructions on how to use it. I am not good at the electronic stuff.
I really enjoy this app using these characters instead of the typed ones. So colorful.
I enjoy all the ones you have but you need to make one key one. The squiggly " I dont know" face :S
I dont like this version at all. I have to scroll through entire lists in order to find an emoction I like. Whereas, the other way one screen showed a whole host of emoctions. I dislike the hand made ones. And, other symbols seem to be totally missing!
Reaching the right icon requires too many steps. It would be better if I could download them to be added to my keyboard and not have to go through all these screen steps to only see one icon at a time. Yeah...NO.
Good app. Could be better if you could access all emoji from the app. Also, could be better if you could re-size the icons.
Decent emoticons, button throws off the keyboard tho.